Friday, April 30, 2010

6 years ago....

Yes, tomorrow will be our 6 year anniversary. It really doesn't seem like it was too long ago. Jake and I started dating my junior year of high school, and we're engaged in June 2001. I knew then that he would be a wonderful husband and father. Even though we both have changed through the years, date nights are less and less, "i love you's" do not come as often as before and surprise sweet letters do not exist....I can look into his eyes and see how much more he loves me now than before. Yes this may seem corny, but it's true. It's the little things like making the bed, giving the girls a bath, changing the diapers, doing the night time feedings when they were infants, painting Olivia's nails, fixing their hair, doing the laundry when I'm at work, playing dolls with Olivia, cleaning out the dishwasher, reading Olivia's devotionals and prayers every night, being able to work part-time and stay home with the girls and surprising me with the lens I wanted for our anniversary, makes my heart skip a beat. His acts of selflessness makes me want to do better, and I love him dearly for that. Love is not just a feeling, it is a selfless act and takes a lot of hard work.

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" 1 John 3:18
"...for God is greater than our hearts, and He knows everything." 1 John 3:20

Here's some pictures from our wedding and honeymoon